Why should I neuter my cat?
Frontier Veterinary Services recommends neutering your cat (male or female) unless you have purchased a pedigree with the intention to breed.
Entire male cats tend to roam widely, often being involved with road traffic accidents, and fight for territory with other cats. They also develop an intense smell and start spraying urine indoors to mark their territory. Additionally the kitten population increases and if these do not have owners to look after them responsibly, they can be unhealthy. Entire male cats are at increased risk of contracting feline AIDS as transmission of this virus is mainly by biting.
Entire female cats come into season every 2-3 weeks, especially during spring and summer. If female cats were left entire, they would continue to have 2-3 litters of kittens per year. Entire female cats are at an increased risk of life-threatening conditions such as pyometra (infection of the womb) and mammary gland tumours.
What is involved with neutering of cats?
A general anaesthetic is required for neutering of both male and female cats. Although all anaesthetics carry risks, these risks are extremely low in young, healthy cats.
An ovario-hysterectomy is the medical term for spaying or neutering female cats. A small incision is made into the abdomen. Both the ovaries and uterus are removed. Sutures/stitches are placed under the skin. Surgery can be performed at any age but is best done at about 6 months of age before the cat comes into season for the first time.
Castration is the surgical removal of the testicles. The operation may be performed on any male cat from 4 -6 months of age onwards. A small incision is made over the testicles and the testicles are removed. The wounds are left to heal by themselves.
What care is required after my cat is neutered?
Your pet will usually be discharged the same day as the surgery. A buster collar is recommended (for female cats) to ensure your pet does not lick her wound. A post-operative check is required two days after the surgery as well as 10 days after surgery (for female cats).
The metabolic rate of neutered cats is lower therefore calorie intake needs to be reduced to prevent obesity.